An Introduction from Sir Hubert
It gives me immeasurable pleasure to finally have an opportunity for mentioning my utmost satisfaction with this sentence. It took many fine seconds of diligent composition, but in the end my artful diction finally won out.
Welcome, I say, to my blog. I must confess, I had imposing doubts as to the quality of my internet service provider, seeing as the chap they sent round had rather a hard time determining how to configure a dustbin for a wireless connection. Obviously I was rather indignant, as the obstinate fellow seemed to hint, rather blatantly, that I was living in "rubbish." I informed him very matter-of-factly that this was a middle-class dustbin and was certainly, by no means, a substandard form of living.
But I veer unpleasantly far away from the subject of my present educated ramblings, so I will now attempt to realign my sentiments with the correct route, before I proverbially run over a small, woodland creature: the purpose of this blog is to inform the world - or at least, that is, everyone outside of Trafalgar Square, possibly greater London, or maybe even the Jolly Old Island herself - of my serialized radio lectures on the subjects of history, for which my B.S. degree from Oxenfridge has proved immensely profitable.
In an attempt to "get hip", I have finally decided to publish my scholarly tomes on the World Wide Webster, which even I must admit is a far more accessible form of knowledge than Mr. Webster's original pen and paper medium. I request that you, my fine and accomplished readers, keep your eyes peeled for my first installment, which I am industriously endeavoring to create as we speak or, rather, as I type and you sit there and read. Once it is completed, I will be sure to inform you of its whereabouts on the World Wide Webster.
I'm afraid I must leave you now, as I fear I can smell my crumpets burning and poor Vergil probably needs to have a loo-break. In the meantime, enjoy your stay and please hurry back soon. Cheerio, chaps!
Welcome, I say, to my blog. I must confess, I had imposing doubts as to the quality of my internet service provider, seeing as the chap they sent round had rather a hard time determining how to configure a dustbin for a wireless connection. Obviously I was rather indignant, as the obstinate fellow seemed to hint, rather blatantly, that I was living in "rubbish." I informed him very matter-of-factly that this was a middle-class dustbin and was certainly, by no means, a substandard form of living.
But I veer unpleasantly far away from the subject of my present educated ramblings, so I will now attempt to realign my sentiments with the correct route, before I proverbially run over a small, woodland creature: the purpose of this blog is to inform the world - or at least, that is, everyone outside of Trafalgar Square, possibly greater London, or maybe even the Jolly Old Island herself - of my serialized radio lectures on the subjects of history, for which my B.S. degree from Oxenfridge has proved immensely profitable.
In an attempt to "get hip", I have finally decided to publish my scholarly tomes on the World Wide Webster, which even I must admit is a far more accessible form of knowledge than Mr. Webster's original pen and paper medium. I request that you, my fine and accomplished readers, keep your eyes peeled for my first installment, which I am industriously endeavoring to create as we speak or, rather, as I type and you sit there and read. Once it is completed, I will be sure to inform you of its whereabouts on the World Wide Webster.
I'm afraid I must leave you now, as I fear I can smell my crumpets burning and poor Vergil probably needs to have a loo-break. In the meantime, enjoy your stay and please hurry back soon. Cheerio, chaps!
Yours Truly, Sir Hubert
1 comment:
Merry meet,
I'm Tarot,
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Thanks again.
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